
Sunday, April 15, 2012

ART CAMP 4/16/12


Breakfast Of Champions - meats, fruits, vegetables

Calayogajitsu - Simple stretching exercises mixed with hot and cold yoga combined with deadly fighting techniques to keep the brain and body limber for creation.

Morning Meet & Greet - Hi! How are you? And you?

Poetry Corner - We will sit in opposite corners of a room and write rhyming poems about imaginary street corners on the corners of a cardboard box. Then we will fill the box with something. I'm open to suggestions.

Walkin’ the Dog - We will walk the dog. And also reflect on our surroundings. Perhaps take a picture or two to document our town in the manner of Walker Evans and in the spirit of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's grand WPA (Works Progress Administration) Federal Art Project. It is friggin' Patriots' Day in Massachusetts tomorrow after all.

Natural Drawings of Nature Stuff - We will draw natural stuff that we see outdoors. But we will draw very quickly, as a true artist should never get TOO much direct sunlight.

Silence is Golden – An introduction to silent cinema of the past courtesy of our television set. Hey, why isn’t that guy saying anything? Is the whole thing like this? Do I really have to read all that? These questions and more will be answered as we travel back in time to an era where they apparently forgot to turn the sound up. Overacting, rinky dink piano scores, and several tons of pancake makeup are only some of the gloriously strange sights and sounds that we shall witness as we "silently" all thank the gods of Pixar for modern sound and vision.

Group Improv Collage - We will make a large-scale collage to hang in the record store, and we won't think that hard about it beforehand.

Singing and/or Dancing with Insects - We will watch footage of insects and then mimic their movements and noises for the hell of it. I mean, come on, that's gotta be a pretty funny thing to do.

Thud Rock Appreciation 101 - From Blue Cheer to Black Sabbath to Bang to Sir Lord Baltimore to Motorhead, we will explore the many ways to thud. Then, we will bang on drums in the basement and sing hymns to Ares, the God of War!

Lunch of the Gods - Meats, fruits, vegetables.

Crayon Fest - Crayons! Nothing but crayons!

Walkin’ The Dog Part II: The Quickening - We will walk the dog again. This time a little faster.

Collaborative Painting - Three-person collaborative painting with finished artwork to be sold in our record store and all proceeds to go to us to buy ice cream.

Find Cool Stuff Outside And Then Stick What We Find Onto Pieces Of Wood With Glue For Beginners - Pretty self-explanatory, but just in case there is any confusion: We will go outside. We will find cool stuff. We will then glue that stuff to pieces of wood.

Free Play - Watch daddy nap and/or play video games or whatever.

Snack of the Century - Something green, red, or blue.

Reflection Time - We will look in a mirror. Feel any different? If so, make a note of it.

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